resident with an owl

Pet Therapy Thrives at Penrose Court

At Penrose Court Care Home, we are lucky to be visited by animals regularly, but this August truly exceeded our expectations with a variety of exciting pet therapy visits that brought smiles to our residents. These interactions aren’t just for fun—they’re part of our commitment to providing holistic care and enhancing the mental and emotional wellbeing of our residents through therapeutic animal visits.

Maximus, our beloved therapy dog, visits us twice a month, and his presence is always eagerly anticipated. Maximus has a special knack for connecting with residents, offering companionship and comfort as he makes his rounds, visiting those who wish to see him in their rooms. His calming nature and friendly demeanour help alleviate stress and reduce feelings of loneliness, making him a valuable part of our care community.

On August 8th, we hosted our yearly Beach Day celebration, made even more special by a visit from two adorable Shetland ponies courtesy of the Pixie and Pickles group. The ponies, including a new addition named Toby, brought pure delight to the residents, who enjoyed petting, feeding, and simply being in the company of these gentle animals. The presence of the ponies helped stimulate sensory engagement, rekindling fond memories for many residents while providing a soothing and joyful experience.

Just a few days later, on August 12th, we had a spectacular visit from Birds of Prey, arranged in honour of a resident’s birthday request. The awe-inspiring birds captivated everyone, creating an unforgettable experience. Watching these majestic creatures up close not only stimulated curiosity but also provided a unique connection with nature, enhancing the sense of wonder and wellbeing among our residents.

These visits are more than just activities—they are vital components of our pet therapy program at Penrose Court. Pet therapy has been shown to improve mood, lower stress levels, and even enhance social interaction among residents. Whether it's Maximus the therapy dog, the Shetland ponies, or the magnificent Birds of Prey, the joy and comfort these animals bring are clear indicators of the positive impact that pet therapy has on our residents’ lives.

As always, we remain dedicated to enriching the lives of our residents, and the smiles, laughter, and heartwarming moments created through these animal visits remind us of the profound effect that pets can have in a caring environment. Here’s to many more visits that continue to lift spirits and foster connections at Penrose Court! To learn how we can support your loved ones with first-class care, contact our care experts or call us on 01767 777000.

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